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【 about Yojokan 】

With a simple daily routine of moving and resting,
Give your brain a rest, cut away the excess,
Face your mind and body.

You can’t get it just by resting,
You can’t get it just by exercising.

Yasuragi no Sato/Yojokan is
To regain your lively self
This is a retreat for recuperation.

Yojokan signboard

【 Yojokan stay plan 】

trail walk

1week plan(Recommended plans for Yojokan)

Starting every Monday for 6 nights and 7 days, you can choose a course that includes fasting, eating meditation, and dietary nutrition.
This is the basic plan for the Yoseikan, which is full of programs to purify the mind and body.

weekend plan(A plan that allows you to easily experience Yojokan)

You can experience Yojokan every week for 3 nights from Thursday and 2 nights from Friday.
Recommended for those who cannot take a long vacation or those who want to experience Yojokan.

【 Recommended for people like this 】

Haruka sensei
・People who want to refresh their mind and body at their own pace.
・Those who want to take a lot of walks in nature
・Those who have poor metabolism and want to improve coldness and swelling
・People who are under a lot of stress and have accumulated brain fatigue.
・People who have rebounded many times due to restrictive diets

【 spend time in nature 】

Wake up to the sound of birds and watch the sunrise.
In the deep forest, it moves flexibly and organizes itself.
Immerse myself in the silence of the starry sky and fall asleep.

The mind and body that tend to get depressed in busy daily life,
Release yourself in nature and return to your true self.

It’s not just a trip, but it’s not a cramped training, either.
Why not revitalize your mind and body with a “Nourishing Retreat”?

【 Retreat for health care 】

Choose a “healthy retreat” for your vacation in Japan

The refreshing feeling of hunger.

Appreciation for food.

A vivid taste.

A sense of unity with nature.

Deep breathing.

The “pleasant experience” you have at Yojokan will be a treasure for a lifetime.

“Developing the true pleasure that the body seeks”
To spend a certain period of time together with friends who share the same idea,
In modern society, an extremely rare “place” has been formed,
This is exactly the strength of Yojokan,
I think this is the essence of a retreat.

The “fasting” that Yojokan wants to convey is not only effective during your stay,
Even after returning home, improvements in lifestyle habits continue,
We want it to lead to a healthier mind and body.

「Retreat for health care」With the means of
Better awareness and changes occur in your mind and body,
The quality of life will naturally improve
I want to value the way things are.